Terms of Use

General Conditions

These terms of use shall govern the access and usage of free services provided at www.globaltrustpoint.com by Zertificon Solutions GmbH (hereafter referred as service provider), as there were:

  • LDAP-Service
  • Certificate-Web-Portal

Please read the terms of use carefully before using the services. By using the services, users declare their consent to the terms and conditions.

The service provider reserves the right to change the terms of use at any time. Valid is always the currently available version. You must not use the provided services, if you do not accept the terms of use.

Provided Services

The provided services mentioned above allow you to search, download, upload and validate x.509 certificates and PGP keys. They are based upon the technology of Z1 CertServer, a central management, meta search, publishing and validation server for S/MIME certificates and PGP keys.

The service provider reserves the right to restrict particular services or to charge for them in the future.


With publishing certificates of a third person, the publisher assures that he is authorized to this by the owner of the certificate. The service provider reserves the right to revise and evaluate certificates regarding reliability. The publication of certificates may be refused at any time without any declaration of reasons. The service provider does not guarantee for correctness, completeness, reliability, currentness and usability of the provided services (certificates and public keys).


No claims of any kind may be made for permanent availability. Maintenance operations etc. are to be accepted at any time. The service provider strives to provide permanent availability. Integrity of data, stored on the service provider's server, can for technical reasons not be not guaranteed a 100 percent. The service provider is not liable for loss of data. The service provider reserves the right to ban users without prior notice in urgent cases, to ensure the availability and reliability of the provided services.


Claims of damage by user of free of charge services are excluded.

Final provisions

Usage of the provided services is subject to German Law. Court of jurisdiction for legal disputes from these terms of use is Berlin. Should any terms or provisions agreed on be ineffective or inexecutable in whole or in part or at any time in the future lose their validity, this shall not affect the effectiveness of the remaining regulations. The service provider will replace ineffective or inexecutable regulations by one close to the intention. The same applies in case of regulations for potentially overlooked matters.